It is kinda like playing Sims too.
Question is....Is it better to be a sim or the one behind the controls telling them what to do?
My problem is my mom is one of their of the most obedient of all.
Is there any sort of protector for the keep the controller in line..or are they free to do anything they choose and have the sims try it out for them..while they sit back and safely watch what happens?
BIG problem IMO.
For me as well....I am seen as a rebel...fighting their power and control over the sims. Question I jealous of their power and control...or looking out for the sims best interest, trying to protect them from destructive leadership?
That is a truth...only I hold.
Others can only guess. (Although they will probably try to present their guesses as truth and insist they can read my mind and know my true saying I told them in they could tell you.) That is how the game is being played near as I can tell at this point.
The way I see it..If I am wrong they have a perfectly good explanation or rebuttal to my attack..explain and convince me of it...if not....their move.